Our Activities
Each school contributes to a common pool of projects, knowledge and learning resources at the disposition of instructors interested in including Responsible Leadership issues within their classes and programmes, as well as offering insights for practitioners and entrepreneurs to enhance their leadership, sustainability and CSR initiatives.
The Council on Business & Society

to teach business and society modules within existing programmes.

on critical issues at the crossroads of business and society involving academics, students, policy-makers, NGOs and professionals.

CoBS Insights: Weekly research and opinion pieces from faculty, practitioners and students.

Faculty from the Council's Schools team up to produce meaningful, innovative and practical learning content in multiple formats for Responsible Leadership teaching assignments.

and position papers on issues key to business and society, disseminated within the schools and global online media.

A repository of CSR and Responsible Leadership educational materials developed from the Council's activities and faculty expertise.

A yearly competition open to the students in all programmes across the Council's member schools

featuring impact articles on CSR, responsible leadership and societal issues from contributing faculty, experts, students and policy-makers.

giving a voice to the students of our schools and summarising how they view key issues at the crossroads of business and society.